Tournament Check-In & Player Registration

Teams must check-in and register all players who will play in their team during the tournament. Each player can play for only one team during the tournament.

Please download and complete a Registration Form and hand in at one of the tournament check-in & registration sessions as detailed below:

SOVT Registration Form

Blank copies of these forms will also be available from the Tournament Check-In and Registration Desk if required.

All teams must check-in and register their players at the Tournament Check-In and Registration Desk located at the entrance to Bell’s Sports Centre either on Friday 5th June 2015 between 19:30 & 21:00


on Saturday 6th June 2015 between 08:00 & 09:00.


Please help SOVT run smoothly by registering on time.

Late registration holds up the tournament and we might go ahead without you if you fail to  register on time!

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