Team Registration

Teams must register all players who will play in their team during the tournament. Players can only play for one team during the tournament.

The Team Registration form is available via these links (in either PDF or Microsoft Word formats).

PDF – SOVT Registration Form

Microsoft Word – SOVT Registration Form

It will help speed things up if you can print this out and complete it fully, before bringing it along to the Registration Desk at the tournament.


Blank copies of these forms will also be available at the Tournament Registration Desk if required.


Please help SOVT run smoothly by registering on time.

Registration times are:

Friday: 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm inside entrance to Bell’s Sports Centre.

Saturday: 8.00 am – 8.30 am for Division of Honour teams and 8.00 am – 9.00 am for all outdoor Divisions.

Late registration holds up the tournament and we might go ahead without you if you register late!

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